An expert dentist and tenured entrepreneur, Dr Huynh has played a pivotal role in defining the spirit and personality of Groupe dentaire La vallée over the past twenty years. He defines himself above all as a team player and is genuinely one of the cornerstones of La vallée’s reputation for excellence.
Attracted by the creative side and the manual aspect of dentistry, Dr Huynh did not stop at completing advanced studies. He continued to refine his expertise by pursuing evermore specialized training programs. Indeed, Dr Huynh is a leading expert in TMJ treatments who recently completed Orthodontics in Craniofacial Dysfunction advanced training under Professor Sadao Sato at Danube University located in Krems, Austria. This added another feather to his hat, already brimming with knowledge acquired at the Institut dentaire Alain Landry (Quebec City), the Piper Education Research Center (Florida) and the TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre (California).
A tenured partner of Groupe dentaire La vallée, Dr Huynh makes it his duty to be available for and support his colleagues. In his view, completing each other and working as a team are the driving forces that set us apart, coupled, of course, with developing solid relationships with patients.
When Dr Phuc has some time to himself, he enjoys running, playing tennis, preparing lovely meals and travelling.
Let’s just say that he has come a long way since the time when our receptionist refused to let him in when he first started at the clinic!