
Dr Haroldo Paternina Mendez


A Man of Great Will Power and Indomitable Perseverance

Trained in dentistry in his native country of Columbia, Dr Paternina Mendez had to work exceptionally hard to obtain his degree equivalency here in Quebec. With eighteen years of wide-ranging dental experience under his belt, this oral health expert is a true artist, achieving flawless dental health care.

“What I love most about dentistry is that it combines my two passions: science and art.”

Education and Training

  • Doctorate in Dental Medicine (DMD) – University of Cartagena (Columbia)
  • Equivalency from The National Dental Examining Board of Canada (2017)

The path followed by Dr Paternina Mendez is an example to follow, one of self-sacrifice and sheer perseverance. Inspired by members of his extended family, he first completed his doctorate in Columbia before deciding to move to Quebec. Despite the excellence of his original training, Dr Paternina Mendez was quickly confronted with certain crucial differences in the global approach to dentistry here versus that in his native country. He was obliged to “go back to basics”, so to say, working as a dental hygienist for four years at La vallée. This experience may have proven frustrating for some, but for Dr Haroldo, it was beneficial: he got to practise his scales and master his technique.

Encouraged by Dr Huynh, Dr Paternina Mendez went back to school to obtain his equivalency and be granted his doctorate here in his adopted land. Three years of studies, while continuing his work at the clinic and five exams later, mission accomplished. He has since never looked back, having joined the team of La vallée’s most-loved general dentistry practitioners. In addition to performing various treatments, Haroldo continues to enrich his expertise by completing new training programs, showing a keen interest in correcting TMJ problems via mandibular guide flange prostheses.

“We are superbly equipped and I feel wholly supported by my colleagues at La vallée”, states this soccer fan for whom family values come first.

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