Dedicating herself to family dentistry came naturally to this oral care professional gifted with a keen sensibility and a sympathetic ear that she uses to develop productive relationships with her patients. It is also her passion for diligent work and her aesthetically creative side that inspired Dr Faubert to become a dentist.
Dr Faubert capitalizes on her natural empathy to excel in treating anxious patients of all ages. Her serenity and positive attitude contribute to reducing stress levels in others. It also doesn’t hurt that she is an expert in dinitrogen oxide sedation, which she uses as appropriate.
Over the years, Dr Faubert has perfected the art of endodontics, which includes root canal treatments, as well as wisdom tooth extractions and gingival grafts. A firm believer in continuing education, Dr Faubert uses her skill set to make a positive contribution at La vallée. “Patients appreciate not having to go to a specialized clinic when a more complex case presents itself. We have excellent resources right here,” she explains.
For this kindhearted dentist, the relationship aspect of her work is of great importance in terms of success. Dr Geneviève is athletic, she loves to travel and is a pro at the fine balancing act between her work and family life.